Sunday, September 24, 2017

Cause and Effect

The cause and effect model is a great way to show students why things happen the way they do. It helps to engage them into thinking how one event (the cause) effects another (the effect). You can use this model for anything, for example teaching students that if water washes against rocks, erosion happens. It's important to have a hook in the lesson and make sure it applies to the students, or they won't be as invested in what's going on in the classroom. This reminds me a lot of the video with the kindergartners learning about volcanoes on their trays. If they were just told about how volcanoes worked, they might not be interested. But since the teacher showed them the before and after with them experimenting for themselves, they were able to see the true cause and effect of volcanic activity. I can see this model working the best in science, but this can easily be incorporated into any part of the curriculum.

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